Limey - a carded wool blend for hand spinning art yarn, long wool


Limey will be available at Shepherd's Harvest Festival on Mother's Day Weekend 2024!  Will I see you there?

CVMxMerino, BFL, Border Leicester wool & fine grade alpaca fibers are gently washed, dyed and carded together with a splash of firestar and silk noil for a beautiful hand spinning experience. Create your own yarn!

Limey is a vibrant blend of greens carded together into a fully prepared cloud for hand spinners and felters.

You will receive a 4 ounce bag of carded cloud ready for handspinning or felting. I must emphasize that this carded cloud is very easy to spin and flows like butter from your hands to the bobbin; this is a carded cloud not a picked cloud. The long staple of the fibers makes spinning this blend a very good choice for the beginning hand spinner.

The animals whose fibers are in this blend were raised by shepherd's dedicated to the fiber arts and to their fiber animals. At Dakota Carding & Wool we pasture raise our sheep and maintain a non medicated, healthy environment for our four-legged friends!
All of the fibers have been carefully sheared, washed, dyed and carded using ecologically safe soaps and dyes.

Thanks for looking,
Peace & wool

Price: $0.00
Weight: 4 oz